New Year, New Shrubs: The First Editions® Edition

Earlier this month, we highlighted the new perennials we’re most excited to grow this season, and this week we continue the discussion as it relates to our shrub program. But first, I think it’s important to consider what we mean when we talk about new plants. What qualifies a plant as new? Well, it depends on who you ask. To a breeder, a new plant is a novel hybrid; the latest and greatest introduction to the market that promises improved genetics or unique traits and characteristics. But growers think of new plants in a broader sense. There are the brand new plants that are coming down the pipeline, of course. All we know of them is what the marketing tells us. And then there are the “newer” varieties: recent introductions from the past two or three years. These are the plants that we’ve been able to trial side by side with older and similar plants. This means we have real, honest feedback to share with our customers, and we’ve also had a few seasons to build inventory numbers. Finally, we have the plants that are “new to us” – the genera, cultivars, or brands that, for various reasons, weren’t previously part of our production program.

This year, we have new shrubs that fit into all three of the above categories. But we’re most excited to share that, as part of the Bailey Nurseries Network Grower program, we’ll now be growing and propagating the First Editions® line of shrubs. This includes Physocarpus, Cornus, Spiraea, Weigela, Caryopteris, and, most notably, FlowerFull® Hydrangea. Seeing this new Hydrangea in the Bailey propagation beds and production yard was a major factor in our decision to commit to the Network Grower program. As everyone probably knows by now, FlowerFull® is the first Hydrangea arborescens variety in the First Editions® collection. It boasts strong stems that don’t bend and break in wind and rain, as well as improved disease resistance and increased blooms. We promise to put these claims to the test in 2025, but it’s fair to say that we haven’t been this excited about a new Hydrangea for quite some time. We’re also adding the H. paniculata varieties Berry White®, Little Hottie®, and Vanilla Strawberry™.

FlowerFull® Hydrangea

Berry White® Hydrangea

Little Hottie® Hydrangea

Vanilla Strawberry™ Hydrangea

We’ve known that there’s a demand for Amber Jubilee™ and Little Devil™ Ninebark for years, and we’re excited to begin growing and propagating them both here at Mariani Plants. Physocarpus Honeycomb® and Fireside® will round out our lineup of ninebarks. With its vibrant chartreuse foliage, Honeycomb® makes a strong impression in person, and it also presents well in the container. Fireside® is named for the reddish new foliage that matures to deep red-purple and holds its color through the summer.

Amber Jubilee™ Physocarpus

Little Devil™ Physocarpus

Honeycomb® Physocarpus

Fireside® Physocarpus

We’ll be adding a new genus into production with Caryopteris Sapphire Surf™. This compact bluebeard will add another option for late-season color, since the terminal clusters of bright blue flowers bloom from late summer into fall. Mature plants only grow to 2’ tall and 3’ wide, so they make an effective groundcover or low hedge.

Sapphire Surf™ Caryopteris

Weigela Shining Sensation™ and Rainbow Sensation™ will make great additions to our shrub program. Both provide color all season long, even when out of bloom, the former with glossy, burgundy foliage, and the latter with green and gold variegated foliage that takes on pink tones in cool temperatures. Shining Sensation™ grows to 6’ tall with long, arching stems, while Rainbow Sensation™ is more compact with a rounded form. Both feature dense clusters of pink flowers that bloom in May and June.

Shining Sensation™ Weigela

Rainbow Sensation™ Weigela

We’ve chosen three varieties of Spiraea from the First Editions® collection: Sundrop™, Little Spark®, and Superstar™. We’re also excited about Sorbaria Matcha Ball®, named for its tight round form and fresh, green foliage. Growing to only 2-3’ tall and 3-4’ wide, it’s perfect for tight spaces. Finally, we’re adding two new dogwoods: Cornus Neon Burst™ and Firedance™.

Sundrop™ Spiraea

Little Spark® Spiraea

Superstar™ Spiraea

Matcha Ball® Sorbaria

Neon Burst™ Cornus

Firedance™ Cornus

We’re thrilled to partner with Bailey Nurseries as we begin this next chapter of the Mariani Plants story. The feedback we received from our customers was instrumental in helping us make this decision to diversify our shrub program. We believe that our future is bright, and we’ll remain committed to embracing change and taking opportunities that will make us stronger.  


Burnout in the Green Industry, Revisited


New Year, New Perennials